

STUDIES: Graduate of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science section of Institut National Polytechnique in Grenoble (ENSIMAG) - 1964

  • I started a thesis at C.E.N.G. on the inversion of the Laplace equation by the Twomwey method with Mr. GASTINEL, Professor of Numeric Analysis at ENSIMAG.
  • Project Manager at the C.F.R.O. led by Charles SALZMANN, future Consultant to François MITTERAND on numerical questions;
  • Short period at the S.E.S.A., start-up run by Mr. Jacques STERN, future president at BULL S.A.;
  • Project Manager at the S.A.C.S., branch-office of the S.E.M.A. with at it’s head Mr. Jean CARTERON, future President of the STERIA;
  • Expert Consultant to the Algerian Government (High Commission for Computer Science) in 1970 responsible for the introduction of Data Processing at the Health Ministery (the El Khettar Hospital in Alger);
  • Chief Engineer at the S.I.T.B. (subcontractor of a third of all stockbrokers), in charge of the SOCK EXCHANGE department;
  • Data Processing Studies Director at the Equipment Ministery at the C.E.T.E. in Rouen;
  • Engineer III, Technico-commercial responsible for large accounts on HB 6000, 66, 64, Level 6 for more than 8 years, Technical Manager for the International group MICHELIN in Clermont-Ferrand (FRANCE);
  • Mission Manager in 1980 at BULL CP8, branch-office “Carte à Mémoire” (not yet smart card), for BULL S.A. in charge of the first applications of this card in presale: VOLVO in SWEDEN, D.G.T.;
  • Head of Smart Card and Telematics activities, for the CAP GEMINI group;
  • Minitel, in many respects, is the ancestor of the Internet
  • President of INFOSCRIPT S.A., Consultant Advisor in data processing security (Data Protection, Smart Cards, Calculators): Pilot on the protection of interbanking “compensation” for the BANQUE de FRANCE, Data authentification of transactions for the B.F.C.E., on MINITEL, precursor of INTERNET, with smart card;
  • Consultant to the European Commission (DG XIII) for the O.S.I.S. (project, which became TELETRUST, with the A.D.I.);
  • Data Processing security audits at RENAULT, SHELL, SOCIETE GENERALE, BNP, G.I.E. “Carte à Mémoire”;
  • Consultant to the DIEBOLD FRANCE group: Data Processing security audits for banking (CREDIT AGRICOLE, CAISSE D’EPARGNE, PARIBAS as well as the POSTE (National French Office));
  • Consultant to the I.N.R.I.A. and for the I.P.S.I.C.